can help you design your Website - be it personal, commercial, charitable, political, or what have you - with easily updated, fast-loading, low-bandwidth 3D graphics.
We put reliability and portability first; the Frogsmart design staff knows that a
solid foundation is more important to a Website than the newest, most impressive
bells and whistles out there. A solid foundation puts you ahead of much of the
competition: our customers will never have to worry about losing visitors who are
fed up with server crashes or don't have the right plugins. Because we have done the
webdesign for a wide variety of websites, we have the experience as
well as the dedication to get your site looking just right.
For your Website, a large part of a solid foundation is the ability to get time-sensitive emails, handle site problems, or clear up customer problems efficiently. We see to it that you can access your Website from any computer or browser, no matter where you are, so that you can update and maintain your Website any time: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Please also check out our consulting
services, if you're a business in need of solutions. All our rates are reasonable and flexible.
For more information, please fill out and submit this form, email us, or call us at 1-800-387-7413. We'll get back to you about the
price and type of services that are right for you. This is a no-obligation information request.