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© February 2025

The Shopping Cart is offered as part of our E-Commerce package, or it can be included in a Custom package.

I changed the order around a bit - it seemed a bit self contradictory before.

With the Shopping Cart, you have the option of processing the credit card numbers on your own, or having a third-party processor do the work. Our Shopping Cart also lets you "upsell" easily. If a customer buys one item in a set, then calls back to order the remaining items, his or her name, address, credit card number, and other information that you recorded during the initial purchase are within easy reach for you, or for the employees you trust with confidential information. Our proprietary LL database, on which the Shopping Cart is based, will hold all the information about your customers you wish to keep on record... securely. No other shopping cart we've come across to date offers you this service.

Here at FrogSmart, we take security extremely seriously. Credit card fraud and other forms of identity theft are extremely serious issues that no-one should have to face. Unfortunately, many people are victims of identity theft every year. Why? Well, the average "secure server" is not very secure: anybody and everybody can log onto them, gaining full access to your confidential databases and customer files. We at Frogsmart take steps to ensure that our customers and their customers never to have to face these kinds of losses. In addition to the server hosting our clients' Websites, we have a truly secure server dedicated to credit cards, to which we, and only we, have access.

We also secure your data and reassure your customers by utilizing a cookie-independent Shopping Cart. Our Shopping Cart, unlike most of the shopping carts out there, doesn't require that your customers' Web browsers have cookies enabled, JavaScript turned on, and PHP installed. An estimated 7-15% of Websurfers turn off cookies and/or plugin such as JavaScript and PHP to speed up their browsers and defeat popups or for security reasons. That's a sophisticated, security-conscious clientele you don't want to lose.

For more details, please see our E-Commerce package.