Frogsmart Web Mail
E-mail Hosting
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© February 2025
Among the wide range of features that Frogsmart.com can incorporate into your custom package is compatibility with services that let you give all visitors to your site their own Webmail accounts with email addresses at your domain: services like BigMailBox.com

This technology is in high demand - customers ask us about it all the time - but many Webhosting companies don't support it, because they don't have the necessary special DNS records set up. FrogSmart's Webhosting packages, on the other hand, are all Webmail-enabled, so whether your Website is Personal, Business, or E-Commerce, it will be designed to work automatically with those services.

FrogSmart can also design your Website with fast-loading, low-bandwidth 3D graphics that are easy to update. We put reliability and portability first: creating a solid foundation for a Website is not only more important than gratuitously overloading it with the flashiest and most recently released bells and whistles, it also puts you ahead of the competition.

A large part of that foundation should be letting you access your Website from any browser on any computer, so that when you're away from home or the office, you can get time-sensitive emails, handle site problems, or clear up customer problems efficiently 24/7.

And, as always, Frogsmart can help you find and register your ideal domain name - that is, a Website ending in .com, .net, .biz, or .org - that you can access via the World Wide Web, and one that you can keep for life. Other Webhosting companies don't guarantee that - and our monthly and setup fees combined are less than what they charge for registration alone. Plus, we're more than willing to help you design and set up your site.